Convert Word to TIFF with NET REST API

This quick tutorial describes how to convert Word to TIFF with NET REST API in the cloud. Utilize the Aspose.Words for C# Cloud SDK to export the Word files document to TIFF. All the steps and a sample code are given to develop the DOC to TIFF converter with C# Low Code API.


Steps to Convert Word File to TIFF with C# Low Code API

  1. Set Client ID and Client Secret for the API in the Configuration object
  2. Create an instance of the WordsAPI class with the specified configuration
  3. Specify input and output files
  4. Read input DOC file to a file stream
  5. Create an object of the ConvertDocumentRequest using the file stream
  6. Call the ConvertDocument method to Convert DOC to TIFF using the ConvertDocumentRequest object
  7. Save the output TIFF file on the local disk

The aforementioned steps explain the process of transforming the file format from DOC to TIFF with NET REST API. Commence the process by creating a WordsApi class object by providing the client secret and client ID in a configuration object, reading the source Word DOC file into a memory stream, and creating a ConvertDocumentRequest object with the memory stream and file format. In the last step, call the ConvertDocument() method and store the returned stream as a TIFF file on the local disk.

Code to Convert Word to TIFF Format with C# REST API

The above example code lets you develop a Word to TIFF converter with C# Low Code API and can be utilized in any no-code or low-code application on any operating system like macOS, Linux, or Windows. You may modify the input document before conversion for instance removing a range of text using the RemoveRange(), replacing some text using ReplaceWithText(), and inserting a watermark using the InsertWatermark() API call.

You can also check a related topic at the following link: How to convert Word DOC to Markdown with NET REST API.
