Convert DOCX to HTML with NET REST API

This tutorial guides how to convert DOCX to HTML with NET REST API. You may use Aspose.Words for .NET Cloud SDK to develop a DOCX to HTML converter with C# Low Code API. This sample code can be used in any platform supporting .NET Cloud SDK and assists in exploring the API with great details.


Steps to Transform DOCX to DOC with C# Low Code API

  1. Create the Configuration object and set the client secret and ID
  2. Create the WordsApi object using the Configuration object
  3. Set the names of the input and output files
  4. Read the input DOCX file and initialize the position
  5. Instantiate the ConvertDocumentRequest() method using the above byte array and format
  6. Invoke the ConvertDocument method to Convert DOCX to HTML using REST API
  7. Save the output HTML file on the local disk

Follow these steps to convert DOCX file to HTML with C# REST API. Initialize the WordsApi class object with the client ID and secret followed by reading the source HTML file into a byte array. Instantiate the ConvertDocumentRequest and use it in the WordsApi.ConvertDocument() method for the transformation.

Code to Format DOCX to DOC with C# REST API

This code snippet provides the basis to convert DOCX to HTML programmatically with C# Low Code API. You may either read the source file into a byte array or load the stream from any other source. Remember to initialize the position to 0 to avoid exceptions in the code after reading the file.

You may also check out another similar feature on the following page: How to convert DOCX to DOC with NET REST API.
