How to Convert PDF to XLSX with Java REST API

This tutorial shows you how to convert PDF to XLSX with Java REST API. A PDF (Portable Document Format) file is a type of file that is commonly used for digital documents. It was developed by Adobe Systems in 1993 and is used for viewing, printing, and sharing documents. PDF files are platform-independent, meaning they can be opened on any operating system, including Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android. Additionally, they are often used for electronic forms, digital signatures, and other secure document sharing.

However, XLSX is a file format created by Microsoft for storing spreadsheet documents. It is the default format for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and later versions, and it is based on the Open XML (Extensible Markup Language) format. XLSX files use the Microsoft Office Open XML format, which is a ZIP-compressed XML-based file format. They are also fully compatible with any version of Microsoft Excel, including older versions. If you’re interested in PDF to XLSX Conversion in Java Low Code API then this can be performed with the help of code given below.


Steps to Convert PDF to XLSX in Java REST API

  1. Set Client ID and Client Secret for the API
  2. Create an object of PdfApi class with client credentials
  3. Specify input and output files
  4. Read input PDF file and upload to cloud storage
  5. Use pdfApi object with input and output file formats
  6. Call putPdfInStorageToXlsx method to Convert PDF to XLSX using REST API
  7. Save the output XLSX file on local disk

Code for PDF to XLSX Conversion in Java Low Code API

String ClientID = Client.getID(); //replace Client.getID() with your own client ID here
String ClientSecret = Client.getSecret(); //replace3 Client.getSecret() with your own client secret here
try {
ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient();
PdfApi pdfApi = new PdfApi(apiClient);
String inputFile = "PDFtoXLSX.pdf";
String outputFile = "PDFtoXLSX.xlsx";
String folder = "Temp";
String format = "xlsx";
// Upload file to cloud storage
File file = new File("C:/Temp/" + inputFile);
pdfApi.uploadFile(folder + "/" + inputFile, file, null);
AsposeResponse response = pdfApi.putPdfInStorageToXlsx(inputFile, folder + '/' + outputFile, null, false, null,
null , folder, null);
// Download output file from Cloud Storage
File downloadResponse = pdfApi.downloadFile(folder + "/" + outputFile, null, null);
File dest = new File("C:/Temp/" + outputFile);
Files.copy(downloadResponse.toPath(), dest.toPath(), java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
} catch (Exception e) {

The code shown above lets you to convert PDF to XLSX with Java REST API. You just have to supply PDF file with the help of the Aspose.PDF REST API SDK and download output XLSX file to save it locally.

This PDF to XLSX Conversion feature could be put to use with any no code or low code apps on Windows, Linux, or Mac.

The following topic explores a similar feature that can be helpful as well: How to Convert BMP to WEBP with Java REST API
