Create a Presentation using a Presentation Design Template with C# REST API

This article guides on how to create a presentation using a presentation design template with C# REST API. You will learn to create a PowerPoint presentation using slide template with C# RESTful Service using a .NET-based SDK. It will also describe the creation of the XML script for filling the templates.


Steps for Creating Presentation using Templates with C# REST Interface

  1. Set the environment by creating a SlidesApi object with Client ID and secret key
  2. Define the input template file name and output presentation name
  3. Upload the template to the Cloud storage using the UploadFile() method
  4. Create or load the XML file for filling the template
  5. Call the CreatePresentationFromTemplate() method to use the XML data and generate a presentation
  6. Download the newly created presentation file from the Could storage

These steps summarize the process of creating a presentation using a template with C# .NET-based API. Upload the template file to the Cloud storage, create or load the XML script for the template, and call the CreatePresentationFromTemplate() by providing the output presentation name, uploaded template file, and XML data. Finally, save the output file by downloading the newly created presentation from the Cloud storage.

Code for Creating Presentation using Template with C# Low Code API

using Aspose.Slides.Cloud.Sdk;
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace PresentationProcessor
class ReadSlideInfo
static void Main(string[] args)//Create presentation from template
var slideService = new SlidesApi("ID", "Secret");
// Define the name of the presentation file to be modified
string inputFileName = "TemplateCV.pptx";
string outputFileName = "SmithCV.pptx";
var uploadResult = slideService.UploadFile(inputFileName, new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(inputFileName)));
var inputData = @"<staff><person>
<staffName>Alice Smith</staffName>
<address><line1>25 Maple Avenue</line1><line2>New York</line2></address>
<phone>+789 654321</phone>
<bio>Hello, I'm Alice and this is my resume</bio>
var response = slideService.CreatePresentationFromTemplate(
outputFileName, "TemplateCV.pptx", inputData, null, null, null, null, null);
Stream modifiedFileStream = slideService.DownloadFile(outputFileName);
using (var localFileStream = new FileStream(outputFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
// Copy the content of the downloaded file stream to the local file stream

This code has demonstrated how to create a presentation using design template with C# REST API. If the template is password protected, set the password in the function call. Moreover, you can also set the password for the output presentation file if required.

This article has taught us to create a presentation from a template. To display document properties, refer to the article Display document properties in PowerPoint with C# REST API.
