How to Convert JPG to GIF with Java REST API

The short tutorial below elaborates how to convert JPG to GIF with Java REST API. JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is a popular file format used to store digital images. JPEG is a lossy compression technique for color images, meaning that some original image data is lost when the file is compressed. The image in a JPEG file is compressed to reduce its file size, making it easier to store and transfer. JPEG files are commonly used for Web images, as they can be compressed to small sizes without sacrificing too much image quality.

However, A GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is a bitmap image format that is widely used on the internet for its ability to support both static and animated images. It was developed by CompuServe in 1987 and has since come into widespread usage on the World Wide Web due to its wide portability and support for multiple platforms. GIFs are typically compressed to reduce file size without losing any image quality. If you need JPG to GIF Conversion in Java Low Code API then the same can be done with the help of the following sample.


Steps to Convert JPG to GIF in Java REST API

  1. Set Client ID and Client Secret for the API
  2. Create an instance of ImagingAPI class with client credentials
  3. Specify input and output files
  4. Read input JPG file and upload to cloud storage
  5. Create an instance of ConvertImageRequest with input and output file formats
  6. Call convertImage method to Convert JPG to GIF using REST API
  7. Save the output GIF file on local disk

Code for JPG to GIF Conversion in Java Low Code API

The code given above lets you convert JPG to GIF with Java REST API. You only have to supply JPG file with the help of the Aspose.Imaging REST API SDK and download output GIF file to save it locally.

The above JPG to GIF Conversion can be used with any no code or low code apps on Windows, Linux, or Mac.

You can also check a related topic at the following link: How to Convert BMP to GIF with Java REST API
