Transform XML to PDF with Java REST API

This article guides on how to transform XML to PDF with Java REST API. You will learn to automatically fill data from XML file to PDF with Java Low Code API using a Java-based Cloud SDK. It explains the process to fill form in a PDF with data from XML and download the filled PDF from the Cloud storage.


Steps to Convert XML File to PDF with Java REST Interface

  1. Create an object of the PdfApi class by setting the client ID and secret for reading data from XML
  2. Set the names of the PDF file with form fields and the XML file with form data
  3. Upload the PDF file to Cloud storage to fill out the form
  4. Upload the XML file with form data to the Cloud storage
  5. Call the GetImportFieldsFromXmlInStorage() method to fill the PDF form with data from the XML file
  6. Download the filled PDF file from the Cloud and save it on the disk

These steps have summarized the process of exporting data from XML document to PDF with Java RESTful Service. Upload both the PDF and XML files to the Cloud storage and call the GetImportFieldsFromXmlInStorage() method to import data into the PDF file. Save the returned stream into a file on the local disk if required.

Code to Convert XML to PDF File with Java-based API

This code has demonstrated the development of XML to PDF converter with Java Low Code API. It requires a PDF file where form fields are to be filled automatically. The XML file contains data with the same name as the form fields for transferring data correctly.

This article has taught us to fill the PDF form using an XML file as input. To create a new PDF file with the form, refer to the article Create a fillable PDF with Java REST API.
