Add SmartArt to PowerPoint with C# REST API

This article describes how to add SmartArt to PowerPoint with C# REST API. You will learn to automatically insert PowerPoint SmartArt with C# Low Code API using the .NET-based Cloud SDK. Various classes and enumerators are discussed to create different types of SmartArt in the PowerPoint presentation slide.


Steps to Add PowerPoint Presentation SmartArt with C# REST API

  1. Set the credentials in the SlidesApi object for working with the SmartArt
  2. Upload the source presentation to the Cloud storage for inserting smart graphics
  3. Create graphics data by setting desired properties in the SmartArt object
  4. Insert the SmartArt using the CreateShape() method
  5. Download the updated presentation file after adding SmartArt to it

These steps explain how to work with SmartArt for PowerPoint with C# REST API. Create the SlidesApi class object, upload the source presentation, and create the SmartArt object with the specified settings including position, size, layout, quick style, and color style. Finally, multiple nodes for the SmartArt are added to the respective slide using the CreateShape() method.

Code to Add PowerPoint Smart Shapes with C# .NET-Based API

using Aspose.Slides.Cloud.Sdk;
using Aspose.Slides.Cloud.Sdk.Model;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
namespace AsposeSlidesExample
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Initialize the Slides API with your credentials
var apiClient = new SlidesApi("your_api_key", "your_app_sid");
// Define the presentation file name
string presentationName = "SamplePresentation.pptx";
string localFilePath = "SamplePresentation.pptx";
// Upload the presentation to Aspose Cloud storage
var uploadResponse = apiClient.UploadFile(presentationName, new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(localFilePath)));
Console.WriteLine("File uploaded successfully.");
// Configure SmartArt properties
var smartArt = new SmartArt
X = 50, // Horizontal position of the SmartArt
Y = 50, // Vertical position of the SmartArt
Width = 250, // Width of the SmartArt
Height = 250, // Height of the SmartArt
Layout = SmartArt.LayoutEnum.BendingPictureSemiTransparentText, // SmartArt layout
QuickStyle = SmartArt.QuickStyleEnum.SimpleFill, // Quick style
ColorStyle = SmartArt.ColorStyleEnum.ColoredFillAccent1, // Color style
Nodes = new List<SmartArtNode>
new SmartArtNode { Text = "Planning" },
new SmartArtNode { Text = "Design" },
new SmartArtNode { Text = "Implementation" }
// Add SmartArt to the first slide
var addedSmartArt = apiClient.CreateShape(presentationName, 1, smartArt);
Console.WriteLine("SmartArt added to the presentation successfully.");
// Download the updated presentation
var updatedPresentationStream = apiClient.DownloadFile(presentationName);
string updatedFileName = "UpdatedPresentation.pptx";
using (var fileStream = new FileStream(updatedFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
Console.WriteLine($"Presentation saved as '{updatedFileName}'.");

This code demonstrates how to insert a Smart Art graphic with C# REST Interface in a slide. Use the LayoutEnum to select the desired SmartArt shape from a large list of values including AccentProcess, AccentedPicture, ArrowRibbon, BasicPyramid, and BasicProcess, etc. Similarly, the quick style and color style enumerators have also a variety of options to customize the SmartArt.

This article has taught us how to create the SmartArt in a presentation slide. For adding custom shapes in a presentation, refer to the article on Create Custom Shapes in PowerPoint with C# REST API.
